CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Local holomorphic dynamics

seminar: Semi-complete foliations of saddle-node type in dimension 3

speaker: Helena Reis (Universidade do Porto)

abstract: Semi-complete vector fields are, essentially, a local version of complete ones. The germs of singular foliations associated to these vector fields in dimension 2 were totally classified by J. Rebelo and E. Ghys. We shall briefly discuss the main difficulties in extending their result to dimension~3 and then focus on the classification of foliations of saddle-node type associated to semi-complete vector fields in dimension 3. These are a kind of "irreducible" singularities that play an essential role in the program to classify these vector fields in dimension 3.

Mon 22 Jan, 14:40 - 15:40, Aula Dini

Semi-complete foliations of saddle-node type in dimension 3

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