CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Modelling and Control of Physical Networks

seminar: Location, Irrigation, and Related Optimization Problems in Mass Transportation Theory

speaker: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Università di Pisa)

abstract: We present a class of problems which go under the name of {\it location problems} where one has to determine the optimal position of a given number of points in a given domain. Due to the numerical complexity of this kind of problems the asymptotic analysis as the number of points go to infinity is studied. The analogous cases where one has to design an optimal network, called {\it irrigation problems} are also of interest. We show that a {\it short-term} local (in time) optimization gives in these cases a result not so far from the {\it long-term} global optimization one, being much easier to implement.

Fri 6 Apr, 15:00 - 15:30, Aula Dini
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