CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Modelling and Control of Physical Networks

seminar: Cooperative and Decentralized Conflict Resolution Policy for Multi-Agent Networked Systems

speaker: Lucia Pallottino (Centro "E. Piaggio", Università di Pisa)

abstract: In this presentation we propose a policy for steering multiple vehicles between assigned start and goal configurations, ensuring collision avoidance. The policy rests on the assumption that networked agents are all cooperating by implementing the same traffic rules. However, the policy is completely decentralized, as each agent decides its own motion by applying those rules only on locally available information, and scalable, in the sense that the amount of information processed by each agent and the computational complexity of the algorithms do not increase with the number of agents in the scenario. Under mild conditions on the initial configurations, the policy is shown to be safe, i.e., to guarantee collision avoidance throughout the system evolution. Conditions on the desired configurations of agents, under which the ultimate convergence of all vehicles to their goals can also be guaranteed have been determined. To show that such conditions are actually necessary and sufficient, which turns out to be a challenging liveness verification problem for a complex hybrid automaton, a probabilistic verification method has been used. Finally we focus on deadlocklivelock configurations and the problem of deadlockslivelocks detectin and resolution problems.

Fri 6 Apr, 11:00 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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