CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Mathematical models for criminality in urban areas

seminar: Temporal and spatial patterns in crime statistics

speaker: Jean-Pierre Nadal (Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Superieure)

abstract: This talk will present preliminary results obtained within a collaborative project () on the analysis and modeling of spatio-temporal patterns in illegal and criminal behaviours. I may touch upon some of these topics: Paris: where do the offenders come from? - a view on data provided by the "Prefecture de Paris". Illegal behaviour: making choice under social influence (see Mirta B. Gordon's talk). Hot spots in cities: why similar neighborhood may show highly different patterns of illegal activities. Then the talk will focus on: Global trend and local fluctuations in crime statistics: an independant component analysis approach.

() Interdisciplinary project involving, for what concerns this talk, Marc Barthélémy (CEA and CAMS, Paris) Henri Berestycki (CAMS, Paris) Leila Kébir (CAMS and INRIA, Paris) Mirta B. Gordon (TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble)

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