CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Workshop on "Algebra and Geometry of Configuration Spaces and related structures" June 21th through 25th

A Tutte polynomial for toric arrangements

speaker: Luca Moci (Université Paris 7)

abstract: A toric arrangement is a finite family of hypersurfaces in a torus, every hypersurface being the kernel of a character. We describe some properties of such arrangements, and we compare them with hyperplane arrangements. The Tutte polinomial is an invariant which encodes a rich description of the topology and the combinatorics of a hyperplane arrangement, and satisfies a simple recurrence. We introduce the analogue of this polynomial for a toric arrangement. Furthermore, we show that our polynomial computes the volume of the related zonotope, counts its integral points, and provides the graded dimension of a space of quasipolynomials introduced by Dahmen and Micchelli to study partition functions.

Mon 21 Jun, 17:30 - 18:00, Aula Dini


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