Two days on Kolmogorov Equations
17 October 2003 - 18 October 2003
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Viorel Barbu
Universita Al.I.Cuza,Iasi, Romania
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Kolmogorov equations associated with the Signorini problem
Sandra Cerrai
Università di Firenze
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Some elliptic degenerate equation arising in population dynamics
Franco Flandoli
Scuola Normale Superiore
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Probabilistic representations for -- -- Navier-Stokes equations
Marco Fuhrman
Politecnico di Milano
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Backward SDEs and generalized gradients
Alessandra Lunardi
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Parma
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Elliptic operators in L2 spaces with respect to invariant measures
Giorgio Metafune
Università di Lecce
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
The analyticity sector of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in $Lp$ spaces with respect to the invariant measure
Diego Pallara
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica "Ennio De Giorgi", Università del Salento
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Michael Röckner
Faculty of Mathematics, Bielefeld University
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Gianmario Tessitore
Universita' di Milano - Bicocca
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
Luciano Tubaro
Università di Trento
17 October 2003
- 18 October 2003
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