CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Fifth Itinerant Workshop on PDEs

Partially supported by FIRB, GDR CNRS 2434 AEDP, ERC Starting grant Dispeq agreement no. 257293

22 January 2014 - 24 January 2014


This year the fifth edition of the Itinerant Workshop on PDEs takes place at the Centro De Giorgi in Pisa, from January 22nd to January 24th 2014. The previous editions were celebrated in Bayonne (twice) and in Bilbao, respectively in the French and Spanish Basque Country, and in Rome. The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts in the field of PDEs (with special attention to the ones related to Mathematical Physics). The program will include research seminars and three minicourses, presented by leading experts in the field.