Stability of Solitary Waves (Workshop)
Partially supported by Contract FIRB "Dinamiche Dispersive: Analisi di Fourier e Metodi Variazionali.", 2012, NSF Contract No. 1419217, Università di Pisa and Comenius project "Dynamat"
26 May 2014 - 30 May 2014
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Nabile Boussaid
University of Franche-Comte, France
25 May 2014
- 30 May 2014
On the spectral (in)stability of nonlinear Dirac equations
Anna Ghazaryan
Miami University, USA
24 May 2014
- 31 May 2014
Stability of traveling waves in parabolic and partly parabolic systems
Zaher Hani
New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
24 May 2014
- 1 June 2014
Effective dynamics for the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation confined by domain or potential
Panos Kevrekidis
University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA
24 May 2014
- 29 May 2014
Dynamics of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates: some recent developments
Eduard Kirr
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
25 May 2014
- 31 May 2014
Global Bifurcation Picture in NLS and its Dynamical Aspects
Yuri Latushkin
University of Missouri, USA
24 May 2014
- 30 May 2014
On the Maslov index for periodic and for multidimensional problems
The Morse and Maslov indices for periodic and for multidimensional differential operators
Jeremy Marzuola
UNC - Chapel Hill, USA
25 May 2014
- 29 May 2014
A Morse Index Theorem for Elliptic Operators on Bounded Domains
Tetsu Mizumachi
Kyushu University, Japan
24 May 2014
- 31 May 2014
Stability of solitary waves via Pego-Weinstein's method
Masahito Ohta
Tokyo University of Science, Japan
24 May 2014
- 31 May 2014
Instability of solitary waves for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations of derivative type
Benoît Pausader
Princeton University
25 May 2014
- 30 May 2014
The Euler-Maxwell system
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