CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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ERC Workshop on Existence and Regularity for Nonlinear Systems of Partial Differential Equations*

Partially supported by ERC Project “Geometric Measure Theory in non-Euclidean Spaces” and ERC Project “Analysis of optimal sets and optimal constants: old questions and new results”

30 June 2014 - 4 July 2014

Current List of Participants (See Documents)

[table view]

Ahmed Abdeljawad

Mathematics department, Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, University of Gabes
30 June 2014 - 4 July 2014

Adi Adimurthi

TIFR, Bangalore, India
29 June 2014 - 4 July 2014
Talk: Uniqueness and non degeneracy of positive solutions for critical exponent problem in R2

Reza Aftabizadeh

Khatami publishing
27 June 2014 - 6 July 2014


Badji Mokhtar University
29 June 2014 - 6 July 2014

Vincenzo Ambrosio

Università di Napoli "Federico II"
29 May 2014 - 5 July 2014

Sami Aouaoui

Mathematics department, Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir
30 June 2014 - 5 July 2014

Angel Arroyo García

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
29 June 2014 - 4 July 2014

Saugata Bandyopadhyay

IISER, Kolkata, India
29 June 2014 - 6 July 2014
Talk: Calculus of Variations with Differential Forms

Jacopo Bellazzini

Università di Sassari

Fabrice Bethuel

Laboratoire Jacques-Louis LIONs, université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
29 June 2014 - 2 July 2014
Talk: The Jacobian, the square root and the set ∞

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