A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi
Partially supported by INdAM, INdAM-GNAMPA and ERC "GeMeThnES GA n. 246923"
19 September 2016 - 23 September 2016
Braides Andrea, "Homogenization of geometric flows on lattices"
Brezis Haim, "Another triumph for De Giorgi's Gamma-convergence"
Buttazzo Giuseppe, "Worst-case shape optimization problems for the Dirichlet energy"
Cabré Xavier, "The saddle-shaped solution to the Allen-Cahn equation and a conjecture of De Giorgi"
D'Ancona Piero, "Global existence of small equivariant wave maps on rotationally symmetric manifolds"
De Lellis Camillo, "Min-max methods for surfaces with boundary"
Di Benedetto Emmanuele, "A Wiener-type condition for boundary continuity of quasi-minima of variational integrals"
Figalli Alessio, "Free boundary regularity in the parabolic fractional obstacle problem"
Fleming Wendell H., "De Giorgi and Geometric Measure Theory (text read by T. Zolezzi"
Fonseca Irene, "Epitaxially Strained Elastic Films: Quantum Dots and Dislocations"
Fusco Nicola, "Stability results for the sharp interface Ohta-Kawasaki energy and for the Hell-Shaw flow"
Gigli Nicola, "Spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below: state of the art and future challenges"
Honsell Furio, "Implementing Cantor's paradise in constructive type theory"
Kinderlehrer David, "The gradient flow of microstructure"
Leaci Antonio, "De Giorgi and Lecce"
Lions Pierre Louis, "Interfaces, junctions and stratification. A viscosity solutions approach"
Mingione Giuseppe, "Recent progresses in nonlinear potential theory"
Otto Felix, "The thresholding scheme for mean curvature flow"
Savaré Giuseppe, "The Hellinger-Kantorovich distance between positive measure and Optimal Entropy-Transport problems"
Wenger Stefan, "Plateau's problem in metric spaces and applications"