New trends in Partial Differential Equations
Partially supported by "Dipartimento di Matematica-Università di Pisa" e INdAM-GNAMPA
3 October 2016 - 7 October 2016
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Denis Bonheure
Université Libre Burxelles (ULB)
2 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Multi-layer solutions for the stationary Keller-Segel system
Thierry Cazenave
Paris VI
2 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Regularity issues in semilinear evolution equations
Daniele Del Santo
Università di Trieste, Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze
3 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Conditional stability for backward parabolic equations with LogLipt x Lipx-coefficients
Luca Fanelli
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
3 October 2016
- 5 October 2016
About the time decay of Schrödinger evolutions
Reinhard Farwig
TU, Darmstadt
2 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Almost optimal initial value conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations: existence, uniqueness, continuity, and stability
Alain Haraux
Lab. Jacques Louis Lions, UPMC, Paris
2 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Some simple problems for the next generations
Hideo Kozono
Waseda University, Tokyo
2 October 2016
- 9 October 2016
New a priori estimate of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations and its application to the Liouville-type theorem
Felipe Linares
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro
2 October 2016
- 9 October 2016
On well posedness for a water wave like equation in a T2 setting
Paolo Maremonti
Università di Napoli "Federico II"
2 October 2016
- 7 October 2016
Global existence of solutions to 2-D Navier-Stokes flow with non decaying initial data in exterior domains
Guy Métivier
IMB Université de Bordeaux - CNRS
2 October 2016
- 9 October 2016
Symetrization of hyperbolic systems and the Cauchy problem
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