Asymptotic and computational aspects of complex differential equations
Partially supported by GNFM-INdAM and SISSA, Trieste
13 February 2017 - 17 February 2017
Current List of Participants (See Documents)
[table view]
Shingo Kamimoto
Hiroshima University
13 February 2017
- 1 March 2017
Hiroe Kazuki
Josai University, Japan
Martin Klimes
CRM, Universite de Montreal
13 February 2017
- 17 February 2017
Oleg Lisovyy
Lab. de Mathém. et Phys. Théor., CNRS UMR 6083 Tours, France
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Painlevé functions, Fredholm determinants and combinatorics
Grzegorz Lysik
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
12 February 2017
- 17 February 2017
Mean values and heat type equations
Davide Masoero
Lisbon University - Group of Mathematical Physics
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Rational solutions of Painlevé IV
Slawomir Michalik
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Poland
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Oleksandr Minakov
SISSA, Trieste
11 February 2017
- 19 February 2017
Modulated elliptic wave and a train of asymptotic solitons in a vicinity of the leading edge for MKdV
Bozena Podhajecka
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
The Stokes phenomenon for certain partial dierential equations
Pascal Remy
Département de Mathématiques Université d'Angers, France
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