Asymptotic and computational aspects of complex differential equations
Partially supported by GNFM-INdAM and SISSA, Trieste
13 February 2017 - 17 February 2017
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Javier Sanz
Valladolid University, Spain
13 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Injectivity and surjectivity of the asymptotic Borel map in classes with log-convex constraints
David Sauzin
CNRS - UMI Fibonacci
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
On resurgence, normal forms and mould calculus
Reinhard Schäfke
Université de Strasbourg
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability
Yoshitsugu Takei
RIMS, Kyoto University
12 February 2017
- 17 February 2017
Stokes geometry of higher order ODEs and middle convolution
Federico Zullo
Roma Tre University,Italy
12 February 2017
- 18 February 2017
Properties of the series solutions for Painlevé equations
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