CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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School on Hyperbolic Dynamics

12 June 2017 - 16 June 2017

Invited Speakers

[table view]

Dmitry Dolgopyat

University of Maryland
Course: Hyperbolic sawtooth map

Stefano Luzzatto

Abdus Salam ICTP
12 June 2017 - 16 June 2017
Course: Young Towers and Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measures for non-uniformly hyperbolic surface diffeomorphisms

Yakov Pesin

Pennsylvania State University
10 June 2017 - 17 June 2017
Course: A geometric approach for constructing SRB and equilibrium measures in hyperbolic dynamics

Federico Rodriguez-Hertz

Pennsylvania State University
12 June 2017 - 17 June 2017
Course: Introduction to smooth group actions and rigidity