CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Multiscale analysis and reconstruction of chromatin and nuclear organization

22 October 2018 - 26 October 2018


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 22 Oct 8:30- 9:30 Registration Aula Dini
9:30- 10:15 Garini, Yuval
"Chromatin matrix – possible nuclear functional structure"
Aula Dini
10:15- 10:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:45- 11:30 VICTOR, jean-marc
"Some polymer physics tools for chromosome image analysis"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:15 Barbi, Maria
"Drosophila Epigenetic Domains at the Crossover of Polymer Coil-Globule Transition"
Aula Dini
12:15- 13:00 Spakowitz, Andrew
"Theoretical Modeling of the Spreading of Epigenetic Marks and Chromosomal Organization"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:15 Jost, Daniel
"Epigenome Folding: A Main Driver of 3D Chromatin Organization"
Aula Dini
15:15- 15:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:45- 16:30 Arneodo, Alain
"Evidence of Selection for a ``Critical’’ Nucleosomal Array across Vertebrates"
Aula Dini
16:30- 17:15 Holcman, David
"Polymer models for nuclear organization and function"
Aula Dini
Tue 23 Oct 9:30- 10:15 Kaplan, Noam
"Explicit Probabilistic Models of the 3D Genome"
Aula Dini
10:15- 10:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:45- 11:30 Everaers, Ralf
"Statistical Physics of Chromosomr Crampling"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:15 Cheblal, Anais
"Histone Density and Double Strand Break Mobility: Factors Controlling Mobility and Accessibility During Homology Search"
Aula Dini
12:15- 13:00 Dubrana, Karine
"Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Chromosome Ends are Highly Mobile and Behave as Free Polymer Extremities"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:15 Morozov, Alexandre
"The role of Mediator in higher-order chromatin structure"
Aula Dini
15:15- 15:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:45- 16:30 Shukron, Ofir
"Multi-scale Chromatin Organization and Dynamic Revealed by Randomly Cross-linked Polymer Models"
Aula Dini
16:30- 17:15 Seeber, Andrew
"Chromosome Dynamics in Response to DNA Damage"
Aula Dini
Wed 24 Oct 9:00- 9:45 Nicodemi, Mario
"Polymer Physics Predicts the Effects on Chromatin Architecture of Disease Associated Structural Variants"
Aula Dini
9:45- 10:30 Cosentino-Lagomarsino, Marco
"Bacterial chromosomes: specific behavior and general lessons"
Aula Dini
10:30- 11:00 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:00- 11:45 Bystricky, Kerstin
"Insights from Real Time Imaging of DNA Dynamics in Human Cells"
Aula Dini
11:45- 12:30 Audit, Benjamin
"Emergence of the Spatio-Temporal Replication Program: Role of Origin Distribution Heterogeneity and 3D Chromatin Structure"
Aula Dini
12:30- 13:15 Amitai, Assaf
"Diffusion of nuclear proteins and its link to 3d chromatin organization"
Aula Dini
Thu 25 Oct 9:30- 10:15 Marenduzzo, Davide
"Biophysical principles of chromosome organisation: bridging-induced attaraction and diffusive loop extrusion"
Aula Dini
10:15- 10:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:45- 11:30 Di Stefano, Marco
"Exploring the Time-Dependent Structural Rearrangements of Reprogramming Loci in Mouse using the TADdyn Tool"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:15 Tamm, Mikhail
"Gaussian Network Approach to the Description of Topological Constraints in the Chromatin"
Aula Dini
12:15- 13:00 Ferrari, Francesco
"Extracting Information on Multiscale Chromatin Organization from Hi-C Data"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:15 Fudenberg, Geoffrey
"Formation of a Meiotic Loop Array via Extrusion in S. Cerevisiae"
Aula Dini
15:15- 15:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:45- 16:30 Junier, Ivan
"Functional Insight into the Hierarchical Structuring of Bacterial Chromosomes"
Aula Dini
16:30- 17:15 Rosa, Angelo
""Chromosomes-Inspired" Polymer Physics"
Aula Dini
Fri 26 Oct 9:30- 10:15 Dudko, Olga
"On the Border of Order: Orchestration of Remote Genomic Interactions in Space and Time"
Aula Dini
10:15- 10:45 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:45- 11:30 Wedemann, Gero
"Effects of changes of nucleosome positioning and internucleosomal interactions on small and large chromatin chains"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:15 Laue, Ernest D.
"Single-Cell Hi-C and Single-Molecule Imaging to Study Nuclear Architecture"
Aula Dini
12:15- 12:30 Concluding remarks Aula Dini