CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Combinatorial and Gauge theoretical methods in low dimensional topology and geometry

3 June 2024 - 7 June 2024


The fascinating world of 4-dimensional topology has produced incredible results in the last 30 years. There is a stream of big breakthroughs which include the solution of Thom’s conjecture, the triangulation conjecture and the lightbulb theorem to name a few. Moreover, very fundamental questions, like the smooth Poincaré conjecture in dimension 4 or the existence of fake complex projective planes are are still wide open.

Much of the recent progress in this area comes from gauge theoretical tools as well as combinatorial methods involving the study of integral lattices. The strongest results have come to light when both approaches are used together. In this conference we want to get together worldwide experts on both sides of the techniques, to foster interaction and knowledge exchange between their respective expertise. We think it is particularly important that younger mathematicians are exposed to both sides of the story from early on and we are sure that this conference will be a fruitful ground for collaborative efforts to tackle fundamental questions in low dimensional topology.

We have limited funding to support some junior participants as well as limited space.
US based junior participants can check the following webpage for instruction to apply directly for NSF funds: LINK
For non-US based participants: to apply for financial support, please send and email to specifying your name, affiliation and current job title.
For PhD students we require also the name of the advisor and the theme of your thesis.

Registration and application for funding are now open.
The registration deadline is March 31st; if you are applying for funding, the deadline is March 15th.
We will confirm the list of participants shortly afterwards.
We are planning on organizing one or two sessions of lightning talks.
Confirmed participants will be contacted with information about this later on.


PRIN "Geometry and topology of manifolds", Prot. 2022NMPLT8

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