CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Homogeneous Flows, Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic

11 June 2007 - 6 July 2007


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 25 Jun 9:30- 10:30 Eskin, Alex - Kleinbock, Dmitry
"Unipotent flows and applications"
Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Einsiedler, Manfred - Lindenstrauss, Elon
"Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:30 Harcos, Gergely
"Equidistribution and L-functions"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe
"Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces"
Aula Dini
Tue 26 Jun 9:30- 10:30 Eskin, Alex - Kleinbock, Dmitry
"Unipotent flows and applications"
Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe
"Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:30 Mozes, Shahar
"Homogeneous flows, buildings and tilings"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Einsiedler, Manfred - Lindenstrauss, Elon
"Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications"
Aula Dini
Wed 27 Jun 9:30- 10:30 Eskin, Alex - Kleinbock, Dmitry
"Unipotent flows and applications"
Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe
"Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:30 Mozes, Shahar
"Homogeneous flows, buildings and tilings"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Einsiedler, Manfred - Lindenstrauss, Elon
"Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications"
Aula Dini
Thu 28 Jun 9:30- 10:30 Eskin, Alex - Kleinbock, Dmitry
"Unipotent flows and applications"
Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe
"Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:30 Templier, Nicolas
"Review of Vatsal's work on equidistribution and nonvanishing of L-functions"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Einsiedler, Manfred - Lindenstrauss, Elon
"Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications"
Aula Dini
Fri 29 Jun 9:30- 10:30 Eskin, Alex - Kleinbock, Dmitry
"Unipotent flows and applications"
Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe
"Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces"
Aula Dini
14:00- 15:00 Einsiedler, Manfred - Lindenstrauss, Elon
"Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications"
Aula Dini
15:30- 16:30 Manin, Yuri
"Modular shadows"
Aula Dini