CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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2010 CRM Junior Visiting Positions

deadline: 28 January 2010




The 2010-2011 JUNIOR VISITING POSITIONS have been awarded to:

Lorenzo MAZZIERI (S.I.S.S.A., Trieste) 2010 “Emma e Giovanni Sansone” Junior Visiting Position Information: Italian, born in 1980. PhD in 2008 (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) Specialties: Geometric Analysis.

Claire CHAVAUDRET (Université Paris VII - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu) CRM Junior Visiting Position Information: French, born in 1981. PhD expected in 2010 (Université de Paris VII) Specialties:Dynamical Systems

Christian MIEBACH (Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique (CMI), Université de Provence) CRM Junior Visiting Position Information: German, born in 1980. PhD in 2007 (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Specialities: Lie Groups.

Mariapia PALOMBARO (S.I.S.S.A., Trieste) 2010 “Carilucca” Junior Visiting Position Information: Italian, born in 1976. PhD in 2004 (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) Specialties: Relaxation.



Candidates were able to apply starting on November 23rd 2009 (the first application file was received on December 5th by e-mail). The deadline for applications was January 28th 2010. 131 applications were received within the deadline.


41 out of the 131 applicants are women (31 % of the total). 2 of them can be found in the preselection (made up of 25 candidates), 1 is among the first 4 laureates and 2 appear in the final list.

Out of the 89 European candidates, 41 earned their doctorate in Italy, 14 obtained it from French universities, 8 from Northamerican institutions (7 in USA and 1 in Canada), 6 from German universities, 5 from Spanish universities, 4 from British universities. Others studied in The Netherlands (2), in Romania (2), in Finland (1) and in Poland (1). The remaining 5 obtained their Phd jointly from two European universities, namely 3 under Italy-France cooperation, 2 under Italy-Spain and 1 under Italy-Germany agreements. 2 out of the 6 candidates from Eastern Europe have earned their doctorate from US institutions and 4 from West European universities.

Candidates from Western Europe (83) are in majority (61% of the total). A part from Italy (54), France (12), Germany (8) China (7), and Spain (6) and USA (6), nationalities are distributed evenly with 3 Romanian, 3 Russians, 3 Indian, 3 Japanese, 3 Canadian, 2 Polish, 2 Ukrainian, 2 Australian, 2 Mexicans. Other applications came from Albania (1), Algeria (1), Argentina (1), Armenia (1), Bulgaria (1), Colombia (1), Egypt (1), Finland (1), Israel (1), The Nehterlands (1), Pakistan (1), United Kingdom (1), Serbia (1), Turkey (1), Vietnam (1).

In the list of 4 first laureates there are 2 Italians, 1 Armenian, 1 French. The runners-up (8 laureates) are Italian, Isreaeli, German, French and French/Canadian. The laureates of the final list are Italians (2), French (1), German (1).

Out of the 131 applicants, 58 were below 30 years old, 62 between 30 and 33 years old and 11 above 33.


25 candidates were first selected (in February 2010) by a Scientific Committee consisting of 10 members from the Scuola Normale Superiore and the University of Pisa. The selection process took some time owing to the large number of applications, most of them from very well qualified young researchers. To make the choice easier, each member of the Committee had previously given grades to applicants.

In March 2010 a restricted Committee consisting of 7 members from the Scuola Normale Superiore only, selected 4 laureates and ranked 8 other candidates on a waiting list.

The first (Italian) and the fourth (French) laureates on the final list accepted rapidly. The second and the third first laureates (from Italy and Armenia), declined the offer shortly after the selection meeting, the second one having accepted another long-term post-doc position in the United States where he presently lives. The first runner-up (Italian) finally declined for the same reason and so did the next contacted runner-up (Russian). The reserve list was so reduced to 6 laureates (respectively German (1), Italian (3), French (1) and French/Canadian (1)) and the German and the Italian who were the third and fourth in the reserve list accepted with no delay the CRM offer.

In the end the 2010-2011 four positions where all awarded to 4 european laureates.

THE DIRECTOR Centro di Ricerca Matematica “Ennio De Giorgi”