CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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Research in Pairs

The research in pairs program aims to make available workplaces and to provide partial logistic support for short periods to groups of two to four or five researchers to enable them to develop or accomplish a research project. The periods of stay last usually one or two weeks during which visitors have access to the cafeteria and to the library of the Scuola Normale Superiore and can use the facilities of the Centre.

Owing to a serious difficulty in arranging suitable office space and to budget restrictions, the Research In Pairs programme was suspended in the years 2010. 2011, 2012, 2013. This programme has been resumed in 2014

Research in Pairs 2014

Research in Pairs 2015

Research in Pairs 2016

Research in Pairs 2017

Research in Pairs 2018

Research in Pairs 2019

Research in Pairs 2022

Research in Pairs 2023

For further details please contact