CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Seminari di Sistemi Dinamici e Olomorfi 2009-2010

Attracting divisors on projective algebraic manifolds

speaker: Margaret Friedland (Kansas University)

abstract: Attracting sets play an important part in the study of dynamical systems. In recent years much attention has been devoted to attracting periodic points of holomorphic maps in one and several complex variables. It would be interesting to find unified treatment of attracting periodic points on Riemann surfaces and of attracting hypersurfaces in higher dimensional complex manifolds. We make an initial step towards this goal and characterize an attracting divisor D for a holomorphic endomorphism $f:X mapsto X$ of a projective algebraic manifold X. The characterization is given in terms of behavior of a suitable positive singular metric on the line bundle associated with D and of an associated class of quasi-plurisubharmonic functions.

Tue 22 Jun, 14:00 - 16:00, Sala Conferenze Centro De Giorgi
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