CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Ricci Solitons Days in Pisa 2011

Triviality Results for Quasi-Einstein Manifolds and Einstein Warped Products

speaker: Michele Rimoldi (Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa)

abstract: Quasi-Einstein metrics, recently introduced by J. Case, Y. S. Shu and G. Wei, are a natural generalization of Einstein metric and their importance is mainly due to their relation with Einstein warped products and also with gradient Ricci solitons. We prove a number of triviality results for Einstein warped products and quasi-Einstein manifolds using di fferent techniques and under assumptions of various nature. These extend previous works by D. S.Kim and Y. H. Kim and J. Case. The proofs rely on the maximum principle at in finity, a new gradient estimate for solutions of weighted Poisson-type equations and some Liouville type theorems in the setting of weighted manifolds.

Mon 4 Apr, 16:30 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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