CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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First Joint ENS-Lyon – SNS School of Mathematics

course: Well-posedness of ODE's,I

speaker: Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore)

abstract: In the lectures we will illustrate the basic ingredients of the DiPerna-Lions theory, which provides well-posedness and stability results for ODE's \(\dot\gamma(t)=b(t,\gamma(t))\) associated to a nonsmooth vector fields. First we will revisit a few classical facts, namely the Cauchy-Lipschitz theory, the duality between transport and continuity equation and the method of characteristics. In the last part of the lectures I will show how well-posedness results can be transferred from the PDE (continuity or transport equation) to the ODE.

Mon 24 Mar, 10:00 - 10:55, Aula Dini
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