CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Hamiltonian Perturbation Theory: Separatrix Splitting, Theory and Applications

A perturbative approach for non integrability proofs of periodic potentials

speaker: Thierry Combot (Università di Bourgogne (Dijon) on leave at Laboratorio Fibonacci)

abstract: Considering a potential \(V\) on a flat torus, given by a trigonometric polynomial, we prove necessary conditions for integrability on the convex envellop of the support of the Fourrier transform of \(V\). The approch is related to Morales Ramis theory and an analogy to homogeneous potentials, which are replaced in this problem by the potentials of the form \(V=e^{i(k_1x+k_2y)} f(k_2x-k_1y)\)

Thu 8 May, 10:30 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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