CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Minicourses of the session "Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications" (continuation 2015)

course: Introduction to vertex algebras, Poisson vertex algebras, and integrable Hamiltonian PDE-Minicourse of the session "Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications" (continuation 2015)

speaker: Victor Kac (MIT)

abstract: Preliminary Course Outline:

(1) Introduction to vertex algebras, the extension theorem. (2) Introduction to Poisson vertex algebras and Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability of Hamiltonian equations. (3) Variational de Rham complex (4) Classical Hamiltonian reduction and classical W-algebras (5) Non-local Poisson vertex algebras and Dirac reduction (6) Double Poisson (vertex) algebras and non-commutative Hamiltonian equations.

Wed 14 Jan, 15:00 - 17:00, Aula Dini
Thu 15 Jan, 15:00 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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