CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Teichmüller theory and surfaces in 3-manifolds

course: Deformation theory for conifolds Part IV

speaker: Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University, Department of Mathematics)

abstract: I will describe the some aspects of the geometry of constant curvature surfaces with conic singularities and constant curvature three-manifolds with branched edge singularities along geodesic networks. These are the (constant curvature) conifolds in dimensions 2 and 3. My emphasis wiill be on various existence results (for surfaces these involve variational theory andor Ricci flow), and the deformation theory of these objects, again using methods drawn from global analysis. The two-dimensional theory was developed in collaboration with H. Weiss, and also touches on work of Troyanov and others, while the part of the three dimensional theory I will focus on is from joint work with Montcouquiol, and other work of Weiss and Montcouquiol-Weiss, all of which generalizes older work of Hodgson and Kerckhoff.

Fri 20 Jun, 14:30 - 15:30, Aula Dini
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