CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Seminari di Sistemi Dinamici Olomorfi 2012-2013

seminar: Denjoy-Wolff theorems in not necessarily smooth convex domains

speaker: Jasmin Raissy (Universite' de Bordeaux)

abstract: In this talk I shall describe a new simple proof of a Wolff-Denjoy theorem in not necessarily smooth strongly convex domains, extending to the non-smooth case the description of the dynamics of holomorphic self-maps known for smooth strongly convex domains. We shall also present some extensions to (not necessarily smooth) weakly convex domains. If time allows I will also study backward orbits for holomorphic self-maps of bounded strongly convex \(C^2\) domains in $\(C^n\), proving that a backward orbit with bounded Kobayashi step for a hyperbolic, parabolic or strongly elliptic holomorphic self-map of a bounded strongly convex \(C^2\) domain in \(C^n\) necessarily converges to a repelling or parabolic boundary fixed point, generalizing previous results obtained by Bracci and Poggi-Corradini in the unit disk and by Ostapyuk in the unit ball of \(C^n\). (Joint work with M. Abate).

Tue 30 Apr, 14:00 - 15:00, Sala Conferenze Centro De Giorgi
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