CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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New developments in the theory of modular forms over function fields

Hyperderivatives of periods and quasi-periods of t-modules

speaker: Changningphaabi Namoijam (Texas A&M University)

abstract: Brownawell and Denis constructed, as extensions of Drinfeld modules by additive groups, Divided Derivatives of a Drinfeld module whose periods can be expressed in terms of hyperderivatives of the periods and quasi-periods of the given Drinfeld module. In this talk, we discuss how to obtain hyperderivatives of periods and quasi-periods of an abelian Anderson t-module as periods and quasi-periods of the t-module given by the minimal quasi-periodic extension of Maurischat’s prolongation t-module of the given t-module. We also determine how periods, quasi periods, logarithms and quasi-logarithms of an abelian Anderson t-module appear as evaluations of solutions of Frobenius difference equations. This is joint work with Matthew A. Papanikolas.

Fri 9 Nov, 11:00 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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