CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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60 years of dynamics and number expansions

Invariant subsets and measures for linear cellular automata

speaker: Reem Yassawi (Université de Lyon Claude-Bernard 1)

abstract: We investigate the nature of spacetime diagrams of linear cellular automata with p-automatic initial conditions. Cobham's theorem characterizes these sequences as the letter to letter projections of fixed points of length-p substitutions. We show that these spacetime diagrams are themselves automatic in nature, in a sense that we make precise. This gives us a methodology to produce, and compute, nontrivial closed sets and nontrivial measures that are invariant under both the shift map and the cellular automaton. We will compare the sets and measures we obtain to those defined and used by Kitchens, Schmidt and Einsiedler. This is joint work with Eric Rowland.

Tue 11 Dec, 16:00 - 16:45, Aula Dini
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