CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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60 years of dynamics and number expansions

On higher-dimensional three-distance theorems

speaker: Valérie Berthé (Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale)

abstract: For a given real number α, let us place the points 0,α,2α,··· , Nα on the unit circle. These points partition the unit circle into intervals having at most three lengths, one being the sum of the other two. This is the three distance theorem. We consider two dual two-dimensional versions of the three distance theorem with very small number of lengths, at the cost that the corresponding shapes are no more associated with squares: they are generated by using a symbolic and geometric version of Brun algorithm. This a joint work with P. Arnoux, D. H. Kim, W. Steiner and J. Thuswaldner.

Thu 13 Dec, 9:30 - 10:15, Aula Dini
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