CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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60 years of dynamics and number expansions

Homoclinic points and symbolic covers of algebraic actions

speaker: Klaus Schmidt (University of Vienna)

abstract: The construction of symbolic covers of algebraic actions via homoclinic points goes back to a paper by Vershik from 1992, in which he proves that the Golden Mean beta-shift is a symbolic representation of a certain toral automorphism. This idea was subsequently extended to general hyperbolic toral and solenoidal automorphisms, then to expansive actions of Zd and of discrete amenable groups, and most recently of free groups.

Although homoclinic points are very much connected with expansiveness, certain nonexpansive algebraic actions also have 'good' homoclinic points which can be used for constructing symbolic covers of these actions.

Thu 13 Dec, 17:15 - 18:00, Aula Dini
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