CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Women in Dynamical Systems & Ergodic Theory

Open non-hyperbolicity of fibred quadratic polynomials (CONTRIBUTED TALK)

speaker: Igsyl Domínguez Calderón (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

abstract: We consider the dynamics of fibred quadratic polynomials over an irrational rotation of the circle. We construct a simple mechanism, so-called critical connection, that implies non-hyperbolicity. To exhibit that critical connection is a robust property in the parameter space of fibred quadratic polynomials over a fixed irrational rotation of the circle. Since there exist fibred quadratic polynomials that have such phenomena, we conclude that hyperbolicity is non-dense in this sense. In order to obtain our main results, we prove that, in the hyperbolic case, the filled-in Julia set varies continuously with the fibres. Even though the existence of robust mechanisms that give rise to non-hyperbolicity is a technique that has become standard, the novelty of this work has to do with the fact that we were able to establish this mechanism in a polynomial family of degree 2 of the complex plane, fibred over a non-chaotic map.

Tue 21 May, 16:30 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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