CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Mathematical aspects of high performance codes: state of the art and open problems

course: Low density and turbo codes: structure and iterative decoding

speaker: Tom Richardson (Flarion)

abstract: Topics: (1) LDPC codes and Turbo codes. Ensembles, weight spectra, bounds on ML decoding based on spectra, typical pairs decoding bounds.

(2) Iterative Decoding. (Asymptotic) analysis, symmetry, concentration theorems, density evolution, monotonicity theorems, thresholds, fixed points, stability, physical degradation.

(3) Special case of the BEC. Finite length analysis, stopping sets finite length scaling, Luby codes.

(4) Design, optimization techniques, EXIT functions, advanced ensembles (e.g. multi-edge, implementation oriented graphs (e.g. matched lifting).

(5) General Encoding of LDPC, connection to the BEC.

(6) Expanders, flipping decoding.

Mon 30 Jan, 11:30 - 12:30, Aula Dini
Mon 30 Jan, 16:00 - 17:30, Aula Dini
Tue 31 Jan, 14:00 - 15:30, Aula Mancini
Wed 1 Feb, 16:00 - 17:30, Aula Mancini
Thu 2 Feb, 14:00 - 15:30, Aula Dini
Fri 3 Feb, 14:00 - 15:30, Aula Dini
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