CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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Third Italian Number Theory Meeting

partially supported by Università di Pisa Contributo d'Ateneo per Convegno "III Incontro Italiano di Teoria dei Numeri" prof.ssa Ilaria Del Corso and by "National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures, and their Applications" GNSAGA

21 September 2015 - 24 September 2015


As the previous two meetings (Rome January 3-5, 1995 and Parma November 13-15, 2003) it aims at presenting the more recent results of the research of italian number theorists and their collaborators. In particular we hope that several italian number theorists currently working abroad will attend the conference and we encourage young PhD students and Post Docs to participate with short talks on their researches.

To present a short talk proposal young researchers must send title and abstract within April 30, 2015 to the organizers both by using the template provided at "" and by completing registration in the "Financial Support" section.

There is no conference fee and we should have some funds to cover the local expenses of a limited number of participants. We hope we can help in particular young PhD students and Post Docs: those who wish to apply for financial support must register using the link "Financial Support". The deadline for application is April 30, 2015.

To contact the organizers please refer to the webpage ""

The workshop is partially supported by Università di Pisa Contributo d'Ateneo per Convegno "III Incontro Italiano di Teoria dei Numeri" prof.ssa Ilaria Del Corso and by "National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures, and their Applications" GNSAGA- INdAM