CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Miniworkshop on Recent Advances on the Perona-Malik Equation

15 December 2006 - 16 December 2006


Research directions: Gradient flows of nonconvex functionals, applications to phase transitions.

Aims: The workshop has informal character, and the scope is to illustrate some recent results and present some open problems on the Perona-Malik equation, which represents an interesting example of nonlinear forward-backward parabolic equation. Ph.D students and young researchers are strongly encouraged to partecipate. The speakers can have free lunch and dinner at the Mensa of the Scuola Normale; they will also have a common office with e-mail connection. The list of the speakers (which could be slightly modified, and in this case immediately communicated) contains:

G. Bellettini (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata and INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) G. Fusco (Univ. L'Aquila) M. Ghisi (Univ. Pisa) M. Gobbino (Univ. Pisa) N. Guglielmi (Univ. L'Aquila) M. Novaga (Univ. Pisa)