Information and control
3 June 2003 - 10 June 2003
Current List of Participants (See Documents)
[table view]
Luigi Accardi
Università di Roma
10 June 2003
- 13 June 2003
Algoritmi quantistici: l'algoritmo di Grover e l'algoritmo di Ohya-Masudag
Che cosa e' la teleportation
La criptografia quantistica: dalla filosofia all'industria
Gérard Ben Arous
Courant Institute
2 June 2003
- 5 June 2003
Dynamics in random media: anomalous diffusion, intermittency and aging
Information-theoretic upper bounds on the capacity of large ad-hoc wireless networks
Hakima Bessaih
University of Wyoming, Department of Mathematics
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Sergio Caracciolo
Università di Milano
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Carlo Cosmelli
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
8 June 2003
- 10 June 2003
SQUID based implementation of qubits: towards an operating quantum computer
Fabio Fagnani
Politecnico di Torino
3 June 2003
- 27 June 2003
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
8 July 2003
- 18 July 2003
Control with communication constraints
Mattia Fedrigo
GSF-IBB München
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Franco Flandoli
Scuola Normale Superiore
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Simone Gambini
Scuola Superiore S.Anna
3 June 2003
- 20 June 2003
Paolo Gibilisco
Università di Chieti-Pescara
9 June 2003
- 12 June 2003
Quantum Fisher Information and its geometry
Statistical manifolds: an overview of the classical theory
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