Information and control
3 June 2003 - 10 June 2003
Current List of Participants (See Documents)
[table view]
Massimiliano Gubinelli
Université Paris Dauphine
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Gautam Gupta
Indian Institute of Technology
29 May 2003
- 20 July 2003
Marco Isopi
Sapienza Università di Roma
2 June 2003
- 7 June 2003
23 June 2003
- 11 July 2003
Random walks with random rates, singular diffusions and aging
Olivier Leveque
2 June 2003
- 5 June 2003
17 June 2003
- 27 June 2003
Information-theoretic upper bounds on the capacity of large ad-hoc wireless networks
Andrea C.G. Mennucci
Scuola Normale Superiore
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Sanjoy Mitter
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Andrea Montanari
9 June 2003
- 25 June 2003
Proliferation of pure states in coding problems with practical consequences)
Statistical mechanics coding and all that (Introduction to the last week's topics)
Statistical mechanics coding and all that (Introduction to the last week's topics)
Francesco Morandin
Università degli Studi di Parma
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
Matteo G. A. Paris
Università di Milano
10 June 2003
- 13 June 2003
Use of entanglement in quantum information processing I
Bruno Picasso
Università di Pisa and Politecnico di Milano
3 June 2003
- 20 July 2003
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