Here is a more deailed scheme of the events
Shape Optimization
3-8 June
School organized by Antoine Henrot: courses given by Dorin Bucur, Bernd Kawohl and Michel Pierre.
Properties of mappings of Finite Distorsion and bi-Sobolev mappings
10-15 June
School organized by Aldo Pratelli: courses given by Tadeusz Iwaniec, Pekka Koskela and Jan Maly
New trends in nonlinear PDEs
17-22 June
School organized by Nicola Fusco: courses given by Xavier Cabre, Camillo De Lellis and Julio Rossi
Topics in Nonlinear Parabolic Equations
24-29 June
School organized by Juan Luis Vazquez: courses given by Jean Dolbeaut, Giuseppe Mingione, Panagiota Daskalopoulos
Recent Trends in Nonlinear Diffusion
1-6 July
Workshop organized by Juan Luis Vazquez with the following (tentative) speakers:
Matteo Bonforte
Jose Antonio Carrillo
Maria del Mar Gonzalez
Jochen Denzler
Jean Dolbeault
Alessio Figalli
Ugo Gianazza
Gabriele Grillo
John King
Giuseppe Mingione
Fernando Quiros
Jesus Rosado
Sandro Salsa
Yannick Sire
Enrico Valdinoci
Geometric inequalities in Calculus of Variations
8-13 July
Workshop organized by Aldo Pratelli and Nicola Fusco with the following (tentative) speakers:
Gabriele Bianchi
Verena Boegelein
Lorenzo Brasco
Miroslav Chlebik
Marco Cicalese
Eleonora Cinti
Bernard Dacorogna
Sara Daneri
Frank Duzaar
Alessio Figalli
Maria Stella Gelli
Stanislav Hencl
Vesa Julin
Gianpaolo Leonardi
Michael Loss
Francesco Maggi
Massimiliano Morini
Carlo Nitsch
Jani Kristian Onninen
Anna Verde
New Trends in Shape Optimization
15-20 July
Workshop organized by Antoine Henrot with the following (tentative) speakers:
Chiara Bianchini
Lorenzo Brasco
Dorin Bucur
Giuseppe Buttazzo
Andrea Colesanti
Gisella Croce
Ilaria FragalĂ
Pedro Freitas
Filippo Gazzola
Alexandre Girouard
Evans Harrell
Mette Iversen
Jimmy Lamboley
Rick Laugesen
Michel Pierre
Yannick Privat
Bartlomiej Siudeja