Geometric and Analytic Techniques in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
1 June 2012 - 31 July 2012
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Gabriele Bianchi
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Firenze
8 July 2012
- 13 July 2012
What does the covariogram of a set tell about the set?
Chiara Bianchini
Dipartimento di Matematica U.Dini, Università di Firenze
4 June 2012
- 8 June 2012
15 July 2012
- 20 July 2012
Free boundary problems with non-constant boundary data
Verena Boegelein
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
8 July 2012
- 13 July 2012
Matteo Bonforte
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
24 June 2012
- 6 July 2012
Lower Harnack Estimates for the Fractional Porous Medium and Fast Diffusion Equations
Lorenzo Brasco
Université Aix-Marseille
7 July 2012
- 20 July 2012
Hot spots and hearts
Spectral optimization for Stekloff-Laplacians
Dorin Bucur
Université de Savoie, LAMA Chambéry
2 June 2012
- 9 June 2012
14 July 2012
- 21 July 2012
Existence of Solutions in Shape Optimization Problems
Minimization of eigenvalues by free boundary methods
Giuseppe Buttazzo
Università di Pisa
4 June 2012
- 31 July 2012
Evolution of domains by spectral flows
Xavier Cabré
ICREA and UPC, Barcelona
17 June 2012
- 22 June 2012
Reaction-Diffusion Elliptic Equations: Regularity and Symmetry of Minimizers
José A. Carrillo De La Plata
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
1 July 2012
- 8 July 2012
Blow up and Stationary Solutions in Aggregation Equations
Miroslav Chlebik
University of Sussex
8 July 2012
- 13 July 2012
Sharp lower bounds on dilation of measures on metric spaces
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