CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Arrangements and beyond: Combinatorics, geometry, topology and applications

Partially supported by: PRIN 2015ZWST2C "Moduli spaces and Lie Theory", Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Dipart. di Matematica dell'Univ. di Pisa, UniversitĂ  di Pisa (Ateneo) e Dipart. di Matematica dell'Univ. Roma Sapienza

6 June 2017 - 9 June 2017


Date Time Speaker Room
Tue 6 Jun 8:30- 9:00 Registration Aula Dini
9:00- 9:40 Falk, Michael
"Milnor fibers and characteristic varieties of 3-arrangements"
Aula Dini
9:50- 10:30 Varchenko, Alexander
"Potentials of a family of arrangements of hyperplanes"
Aula Dini
10:30- 10:50 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:50- 11:30 Cohen, Daniel C.
"Topological complexity of the Klein bottle"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:20 Schenck, Henry
"Multidimensional Persistent Homology"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:10 Bailet, Pauline
"A vanishing result for the first twisted cohomology of affine varieties and applications to line arrangements"
Aula Dini
15:10- 15:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:30- 16:10 Wakefield, Max
"Some algebra and combinatorics of matroid Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials"
Aula Dini
Wed 7 Jun 9:00- 9:40 Abe, Takuro
"Hyperplane arrangements and Hessenberg varieties"
Aula Dini
9:50- 10:30 Budur, Nero
"Absolute sets and the Decomposition Theorem"
Aula Dini
10:30- 10:50 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:50- 11:30 Adiprasito, Karim Alexander
"T < 4 E "
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:00 Garber, David
"On chamber counting formula for conic-line arrangements"
Aula Dini
Thu 8 Jun 9:00- 9:40 Libgober, Anatoly
"Representations of Manin-Schechtman groups"
Aula Dini
9:50- 10:30 Marin, Ivan
"Lattice extensions of Hecke algebras"
Aula Dini
10:30- 10:50 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:50- 11:30 Salvetti, Mario
"Cohomology of Configuration Spaces and Artin groups: applications"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:20 Paris, Luis
"Artin groups, symmetries, and linear representations"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:10 Feichtner, Eva Maria
"A Leray model for Orlik-Solomon algebras"
Aula Dini
15:10- 15:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:30- 16:10 Bibby, Christin
"A generalization of Dowling lattices"
Aula Dini
Fri 9 Jun 9:00- 9:40 Denham, Graham
"What are the critical points of the master function of a nonrealizable matroid?"
Aula Dini
9:50- 10:30 Settepanella, Simona
"Intersection lattice of Discriminantal arrangement and hypersurfaces in Grassmannian"
Aula Dini
10:30- 10:50 Coffee break Aula Dini
10:50- 11:30 Dupont, Clément
"Bi-arrangements related to zeta values and polylogarithms"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:20 Huh, June
"Negative correlation and Hodge-Riemann relations"
Aula Dini
14:50- 15:10 Paolini, Giovanni
"Shellability of posets of components associated to toric arrangements defined by root systems"
Aula Dini
15:10- 15:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
15:30- 16:10 Kohno, Toshitake
"Higher category extensions of holonomy maps for hyperplane arrangements"
Aula Dini