CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Variational methods and applications

Partially supported by: PRIN 2017 “Variational methods for stationary and evolution problems with singularities and interfaces” and the project ANR-18-CE40-0013 SHAPO financed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and finace

6 September 2021 - 10 September 2021


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 6 Sep 13:15- 14:00 Registration Aula Dini
14:00- 14:10 Welcome address (Prof. Malchiodi) Aula Dini
14:10- 15:00 Chambolle, Antonin
"Effective surface tensions for periodic lattice systems - (online)"
15:00- 15:50 Bevilacqua, Giulia
"The Kirchhoff-Plateau problem and its generalizations"
Aula Dini
15:50- 16:10 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:10- 17:00 Orlandi, Giandomenico
"Topological singular set for vector-valued maps and applications"
Aula Dini
17:00- 17:50 De Philippis, Guido
"Multilinear Kakeya and Michael-Simon inequality for anisotropic stationary varifolds - (online)"
20:00- 20:30 Dinner Hostaria "Le Repubbliche Marinare" Restaurant
Tue 7 Sep 9:30- 10:20 Pluda, Alessandra
"Evolution of Vector Fields on Flexible Curves and Surfaces"
Aula Dini
10:20- 11:10 Caroccia, Marco
"Contact surface of Cheeger sets"
Aula Dini
11:10- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:20 Lemenant, Antoine
"Regularity of minimizers of the Griffith functional in 2d - (online)"
12:20- 14:00 Lunch "La Tana" Restaurant
14:00- 14:50 Ponsiglione, Marcello
"Stability results for nonlocal geometric evolutions "
Aula Dini
14:50- 15:40 Le Van, Phu Cuong
"Minimizing movements for hyperbolic obstacle-type problems"
Aula Dini
15:40- 16:00 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:00- 16:50 Canevari, Giacomo
"The lifting problem for manifold-valued maps of bounded variation "
Aula Dini
20:00- 20:30 Dinner Hostaria "Le Repubbliche Marinare" Restaurant
Wed 8 Sep 9:30- 10:20 Brasco, Lorenzo
"A semilinear spectrum for the Dirichlet-Laplacian"
Aula Dini
10:20- 11:10 Morini, Massimiliano
"Long-time behavior of discrete volume-preserving mean curvature flat flows"
Aula Dini
11:10- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:20 Scardia, Lucia
"Optimality of the ellipse for a class of nonlocal energies - (online)"
12:20- 14:00 Lunch "La Tana" Restaurant
14:00- 14:50 Lamboley, Jimmy
"Regularity for convex shapes minimizing perimeter"
Aula Dini
14:50- 15:40 Pegon, Marc
"On an isoperimetric problem involving the competition between the standard perimeter and a nonlocal perimeter"
Aula Dini
15:40- 16:00 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:00- 16:50 De Luca, Lucia
"Topological singularities in periodic media"
Aula Dini
20:00- 20:30 Social Dinner "La Pergoletta" Restaurant
Thu 9 Sep 9:30- 10:20 Cinti, Eleonora
"Flatness results for stable solutions to some nonlocal problems"
Aula Dini
10:20- 11:10 Leonardi, Gian Paolo
"Some new results on the prescribed mean curvature problem"
Aula Dini
11:10- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:20 Babadjian, Jean-Francois
"Spatial hyperbolicity for the system of perfect plasticity - (online)"
12:20- 14:00 Lunch "La Tana" Restaurant
14:00- 14:50 Cicalese, Marco
"Chirality transition in magnetic materials"
Aula Dini
14:50- 15:40 Mukoseeva, Ekaterina
"The sharp isocapacitary inequality: the case of p-capacity - (online)"
15:40- 16:00 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:00- 16:50 Merlet, Benoit
"The unoriented Aviles-Giga functional for pattern formation"
Aula Dini
20:00- 20:30 Dinner Hostaria "Le Repubbliche Marinare" Restaurant
Fri 10 Sep 9:30- 10:20 Alberti, Giovanni
"The vanishing mass conjecture and related geometric questions"
Aula Dini
10:20- 11:10 Iurlano, Flaviana
"Vectorial, geometrically nonlinear, phase-field approximation of a cohesive fracture energy - (online)"
11:10- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:20 Pratelli, Aldo
"On the existence and regularity of minimizers of attraction-repulsion energies"
Aula Dini
12:20- 14:00 Lunch "La Tana" Restaurant