CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Variational methods in Material Science

10 October 2006 - 14 October 2006

Invited Speakers

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Pages: [1] [2]

Xavier Blanc

Université Paris 6
9 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: Stochastic lattices and their macroscopic limits

Andrea Braides

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
9 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: Asymptotic analysis of binary discrete systems

Antonin Chambolle

CNRS, CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine
10 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: Rigid displacements with cracks

Sergio Conti

Universität Duisburg-Essen
11 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: A sharp-interface limit for the singularly perturbed Eikonal functional

Antonio De Simone

SISSA and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
10 October 2006 - 13 October 2006
Seminar: Liquid crystals elastomers: modeling, analysis, and simulation

Gianpietro Del Piero

Università di Ferrara
9 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: Regularized descriptions of fracture

Irene Fonseca

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University
9 October 2006 - 15 October 2006
Seminar: Surfactants in foam stability: a phase field model

Ilaria Fragalà

Politecnico di Milano
9 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: The compliance of thin plates: modelling and optimization

Gilles A. Francfort

LPMTM, Universite Paris-Nord
8 October 2006 - 22 October 2006
19 November 2006 - 2 December 2006
Seminar: Variational fracture and minimality

Gero Friesecke

Technische Universität München
9 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
Seminar: Minimum energy configurations of classical charges

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