Scientific Papers
Leonardo Colzani, Cristopher Meaney and Elena Prestini
Almost everywhere convergence of inverse Fourier transforms
Joao Lopes Dias
Brjuno Condition and Renormalization for Poincaré flows
Sven Winklmann
Curvature estimates for graphs with prescribed mean curvature and flat normal bundle
A. de Bouard and E. Gautier
Exit problems related to the persistence of solitons for the Korteweg-de Vries equation with small noise
Mariano Giaquinta and Domenico Mucci
Graphs of W1,1-maps with values into S1: relaxed energies, minimal connections and lifting
R. De La Bretèche, T. D. Browning, and U. Derenthal
On Manin's Conjecture For A Certain Singular Cubic Surface
Gianluigi Del Magno and Roberto Markarian
On the Bernoulli property of planar hyperbolic billiards
Maria Alessandra Ragusa, Atsushi Tachikawa
Partial regularity of the minimizers of quadratic functionals with VMO coefficients
Marta Sanz-Solé & Ivàn Torrecilla-Tarantino
Probability density for a hyperbolic SPDE with time dependent coefficients
Liana David
Quaternionic connections induced holomorphic structures and a vanishing theorem