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Perspectives in Lie Theory

INdAM Intensive Period - FIRB Project “Perspectives in Lie Theory”

9 December 2014 - 28 February 2015

Invited Speakers

[table view]

Rudolf Tange

University of Leeds
18 January 2015 - 7 February 2015
Seminar: Highest weight vectors and transmutation Seminar of the session "Lie Theory and Representation Theory" (2015)

Donna Testerman

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
18 January 2015 - 30 January 2015
Seminar: "Distinguished unipotent elements and multiplicity free subgroups" Seminar of the session "Lie Theory and Representation Theory" (2015)

Ulrike Tillmann

University of Oxford
9 February 2015 - 16 February 2015
Course: Homology of mapping class groups and diffeomorphism groups Minicourse of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory"

Daniele Valeri

SISSA, Italy (end 30.09.2014)
8 December 2014 - 7 February 2015
Seminar: Classical W-algebras and generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies- Seminar of the session "Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications" (2014)

Jethro van Ekeren

Technische Universität Darmstad
8 December 2014 - 14 December 2014
Seminar: Jacobi Invariance of SUSY Vertex Algebras -Seminar of the session "Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications"

Karen Vogtmann

Cornell University, USA
8 February 2015 - 21 February 2015
Seminar: (TBA) Seminar of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory"
Course: On the cohomology of automorphism groups of free groups Minicourse of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory"

Max Wakefield

United States Naval Academy
Seminar: Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid

Geordie Williamson

University of Sidney
18 January 2015 - 1 February 2015
Course: An illustrated guide to perverse sheaves -Minicourses of the session "Lie Theory and Representation Theory" (2015)

Oksana Yakimova

Universität Jena
23 January 2015 - 2 February 2015
Seminar: On symmetric invariants of semi-direct products Seminar of the session "Lie Theory and Representation Theory" (2015)

Masahiko Yoshinaga

Hokkaido University
11 February 2015 - 22 February 2015
Seminar: (TBA) Seminar of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory" (2015)
Seminar: Worpitzky partition, Eulerian polynomial and Linial arrangements (Seminar of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory"(2015))

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