CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Variational methods and applications

Partially supported by: PRIN 2017 “Variational methods for stationary and evolution problems with singularities and interfaces” and the project ANR-18-CE40-0013 SHAPO financed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and finace

6 September 2021 - 10 September 2021

Invited Speakers

[table view]

Pages: [1] [2] [3]

Marc Pegon

Université de Lille
Talk: On an isoperimetric problem involving the competition between the standard perimeter and a nonlocal perimeter

Alessandra Pluda

Università di Pisa
Talk: Evolution of Vector Fields on Flexible Curves and Surfaces

Marcello Ponsiglione

Universita' 1 di Roma ''La Sapienza''
Talk: Stability results for nonlocal geometric evolutions

Aldo Pratelli

Università di Pisa
Talk: On the existence and regularity of minimizers of attraction-repulsion energies

Lucia Scardia

Heriot-Watt University
Talk: Optimality of the ellipse for a class of nonlocal energies - (online)

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