CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations

deadline: 31 March 2006


Report: April 12, 2006

The De Giorgi Center received 22 applications, 6 from Italy and 16 from foreign countries. Most of them were of very high quality. Taking into account academic titles, publications and recommendation letters, we decided to award a one-month support of 1.500 Euro each to the following list of applicants:

1. Michael Eichmair, Stanford 2. Hwakil Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology 3. Laurent Nocquet Jeol, Universite' de Paris Dauphine 4. Antoine Gloria, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees 5. Cheickh Birahim Ndiaye, SISSA 6. Vincent Lescarret, Universite' de Bordeaux

Some of the other applicants will receive a smaller, partial reimbursment:

1. Maria Emilia Amendola, Universita' di Salerno 2. Marco Barchiesi, SISSA 3. Alice Fiaschi, SISSA 4. Marius Ghergu, Universite' de Savoie 5. Luca Martinazzi, ETH Zurich 6. Sandra Rita Martinez, Universidad de Buenos Aires 7. Giampiero Palatucci, Universita' di Roma 3 8. Nigel Wilkin Smith, Australian National University 9. Ni Xiang, Nanjing University 10. Caterina Ida Zeppieri, Universita' di Roma I 11. Marc Oliver Rieger, ETH

Luigi Ambrosio Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa