CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Geometry and analysis of groups and manifolds

26 June 2023 - 30 June 2023


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 26 Jun 8:30- 8:55 Registration Aula Dini
8:55- 9:00 Welcome address Prof. Malchiodi Aula Dini
9:00- 10:00 Lott, John
"Solution of a Ricci pinching conjecture in three dimensions"
Aula Dini
10:00- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:30 Drutu, Cornelia
"Property (T) and a-T-menability for Banach spaces"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Free discussion Aula Dini
12:30- 14:00 Lunch
14:00- 15:00 Naor, Assaf
"Quantitative Wasserstein rounding"
Aula Dini
15:00- 15:30 Nicolussi Golo, Sebastiano
"Embeddings of Nilpotent groups into L1"
Aula Dini
15:30- 16:30 Poster session with coffee break
16:30- 17:30 Fisher, David
Aula Dini
Tue 27 Jun 9:00- 10:00 Ambrosio , Luigi
"On some variational problems involving functions with bounded Hessian"
Aula Dini
10:00- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:30 Lang, Urs
"Generalized nonpositive curvature and higher-rank hyperbolicity"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:00 Joergensen, Martina
"Higher rank hyperbolicity and combinatorial dimension"
Aula Dini
12:00- 14:00 Photo + Lunch
14:00- 15:00 Bamler, Richard
"Towards a theory of Ricci flow in dimension 4"
Aula Dini
15:00- 15:30 Zamora, Sergio
"Margulis Lemma and RCD spaces"
Aula Dini
15:30- 16:30 Poster session with coffee break
16:30- 17:30 Kapovich, Misha
"On sphere packings and arithmetic groups"
Aula Dini
Wed 28 Jun 9:00- 10:00 Hamenstädt, Ursula
"Assouad dimension and Lp-cohomology"
Aula Dini
10:00- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:00 Antonelli, Gioacchino
"Isoperimetry and lower bounds on the curvature through the lens of nonsmooth geometry"
Aula Dini
11:00- 11:30 Cavallucci, Nicola
"Convergence and collapse of CAT(0)-spaces and groups"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Markovic, Vlad
"Unramified correspondance and virtual homology of mapping class groups"
Aula Dini
12:30- 14:00 Lunch
Thu 29 Jun 9:00- 10:00 Wenger, Stefan
"Geometric and analytic structures on metric spaces homeomorphic to a manifold"
Aula Dini
10:00- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:30 Koskela, Pekka
"Behavior of Sobolev functions at infinity"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:00 Soultanis, Elefterios
"Curve fragment-wise differentiation of Lipschitz functions on metric spaces"
Aula Dini
12:00- 12:30 Tripaldi, Francesca
"Multicomplexes on Carnot groups and their spectral sequence"
Aula Dini
12:30- 14:00 Lunch
14:00- 15:00 Song, Antoine
"Hyperbolic groups and minimal varieties in Hilbert spherical quotients"
Aula Dini
15:00- 15:30 Manin, Fedya
"The isoperimetric rank of a Carnot group"
Aula Dini
15:30- 16:30 Poster session with coffee break
16:30- 17:30 Cheeger, Jeff
"Noncollapsed Gromov-Hausdorff limit spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below"
Aula Dini
Fri 30 Jun 9:00- 10:00 Bourdon, Marc
"Lp-cohomology of Lie groups"
Aula Dini
10:00- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:30 Rajala, Kai
"Uniformization of Metric Surfaces"
Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Bonk, Mario
"Green Functions in Metric Measure Spaces"
Aula Dini