Non-linear hyperbolic equations and related topics
3 September 2007 - 7 September 2007
Invited Speakers
[table view]
Nicolas Burq
Universite Paris Sud Orsay
3 September 2007
- 7 September 2007
Random data Cauchy theory for supercritical semilinear wave equations
Scipio Cuccagna
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
2 September 2007
- 7 September 2007
On asymptotic stability of ground states of the NLS
Michail Dafermos
University of Cambridge
3 September 2007
- 8 September 2007
The stability problem for black hole spacetimes in general relativity
Jean-Marc Delort
Département de Mathématiques, Université Paris 13
2 September 2007
- 8 September 2007
Long-time Sobolev stability for small solutions of quasi-linear Klein-Gordon equations on the circle
Damiano Foschi
Università di Ferrara
3 September 2007
- 8 September 2007
spinorial null structures for systems of wave equations
Dan-Andrei Geba
Department of Mathematics, University of Rochester
2 September 2007
- 9 September 2007
Quadratic nonlinear wave equations
Patrick Gérard
Université Paris-Sud, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay
3 September 2007
- 8 September 2007
Lorentz profiles and the cubic wave equation
Markus Keel
University of Minnesota
1 September 2007
- 9 September 2007
An Interaction Functional Approach to Null Form Estimates
Frank Merle
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Francia
3 September 2007
- 8 September 2007
Sharp thresold behavior for the energy critcal focusing wave
Kenji Nakanishi
Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University
3 September 2007
- 9 September 2007
Scattering theory for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in the Sobolev critical case in two dimensions
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