CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Non-linear hyperbolic equations and related topics

3 September 2007 - 7 September 2007


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 3 Sep 16:00- 17:00 Sogge, Christopher
"Strichartz estimates for the Dirichlet wave equation"
Aula Dini
17:30- 18:30 Planchon, Fabrice
"Global well-posedness for the critical wave equation with Neumann boundary conditions"
Aula Dini
Tue 4 Sep 9:00- 10:00 Gérard, Patrick
"Lorentz profiles and the cubic wave equation"
Aula Dini
10:30- 11:30 Geba, Dan-Andrei
"Quadratic nonlinear wave equations"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:40 Selberg, Sigmund
"Global well-posedness below the charge norm for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon system in one space dimension"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Burq, Nicolas
"Random data Cauchy theory for supercritical semilinear wave equations"
Aula Dini
17:30- 18:30 Dafermos, Michail
"The stability problem for black hole spacetimes in general relativity"
Aula Dini
Wed 5 Sep 9:00- 10:00 Tataru, Daniel
"Long time wave dynamics on curved backgrounds"
Aula Dini
10:30- 11:30 Keel, Markus
"An Interaction Functional Approach to Null Form Estimates"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:40 Cuccagna, Scipio
"On asymptotic stability of ground states of the NLS"
Aula Dini
Thu 6 Sep 9:00- 10:00 Shatah, Jalal
"Geometry and free boundary problems of the Euler equation"
Aula Dini
10:30- 11:30 Yoshio, Tsutsumi
"Unconditional uniqueness of solution for the Cauchy problem of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:40 Merle, Frank
"Sharp thresold behavior for the energy critcal focusing wave"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Rodnianski, Igor
Aula Dini
17:30- 18:30 Pausader, Benoît
"Scattering and the Levandosky-Strauss conjecture for the Beam equation"
Aula Dini
Fri 7 Sep 9:00- 10:00 Delort, Jean-Marc
"Long-time Sobolev stability for small solutions of quasi-linear Klein-Gordon equations on the circle"
Aula Dini
10:30- 11:30 Figalli, Alessio
"Generalized flows for non-smooth ordinary and stochastic differential equations"
Aula Dini
11:40- 12:40 Nakanishi, Kenji
"Scattering theory for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in the Sobolev critical case in two dimensions"
Aula Dini
16:00- 17:00 Foschi, Damiano
"spinorial null structures for systems of wave equations"
Aula Dini
17:30- 18:30 Struwe, Michael
"Stability and uniqueness for nonlinear wave and Schroedinger equations"
Aula Dini