CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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CRM Series 2007

Umberto Zannier (edited by)

cover Diophantine Geometry. Proceedings
Pisa, Edizioni Della Normale 2007
ISBN 978-88-7642-206-5, pp. XVII-390
EUR. 26.00

Y.Censor, M.Jiang, A.K.Louis (edited by)

cover Mathematical Methods in Biomediacal Imaging and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
Pisa, Edizioni della Normale 2008
ISBN 978-88-7642-314-7, pp. XX-523
EUR. 30.00

Marie Ericsson, Simone Montangero (edited by)

cover Quantum Information and Many Body Quantum Systems. Proceedings
Pisa, Edizioni Della Normale 2008
ISBN 978-88-7642-307-9, pp. XIII-171
EUR. 29.00

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