CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Many-body theory of inhomogeneous superfluids

9 July 2007 - 29 July 2007

Invited Speakers

[table view]

Pages: [1] [2]

Carlo Ferruccio Barenghi

School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle, UK
15 July 2007 - 20 July 2007
Course: Motion of a small object in superfluid helium
Course: Quantum turbulence: the NLSE method
Course: Quantum turbulence: the vortex filament method

Ganapathy Baskaran

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai 600 113, India
16 July 2007 - 23 July 2007
Talk: Supersolid He4 as a spontaneous Vortex Crystal

Miguel A. Cazalilla

Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
8 July 2007 - 22 July 2007
Seminar: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics of low-dimensional quantum gases

Rosario Fazio

SISSA (Trieste)
9 July 2007 - 29 July 2007
Talk: Vortices in optical lattices and Josephson arrays

Peter Fulde

8 July 2007 - 13 July 2007
Seminar: Superconductivity in the presence of a Zeeman term

Allan H. MacDonald

The University of Texas at Austin
9 July 2007 - 15 July 2007
Seminar: Rapidly rotating bosons: From Vortex Lattices to the Fractional Quantum Effect

Jerry Mayers

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
15 July 2007 - 20 July 2007
Course: Bose Einstein condensation and macroscopic single particle quantum behaviour
Course: Bose Einstein condensation and two fluid behaviour
Course: Implications of Bose-Einstein condensation for the many particle wave function

Kurt Scharnberg

Universität Hamburg, I. Inst. Theoretische Physik
16 July 2007 - 26 July 2007
Course: Potential scattering in metals and unconventional superconductors:strong potentials with finite range

Andrew J. Schofield

University of Birmingham
8 July 2007 - 13 July 2007
Talk: Correlated states at near quantum critical points
Seminar: Inhomogeneous ordered states near quantum critical points

Armen Sedrakian

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tuebingen
19 July 2007 - 24 July 2007
Seminar: Pairing in systems with population imbalance
Seminar: Quantum vorticity in dilute Bose gases and Neutron Stars

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